Upcoming Events
All events are held at 109 Browns Rd. Huntington, NY
Camp Open House April 26th and May 17th 11-1PM
April 12th
Ages 4-12, come explore some eggs! We’ll dig a dinosaur egg, make a geode in an egg shell, explore egg parts and design a contraption that can keep an egg from cracking when dropped from a height.
This two hour workshop will include outdoor play time, free exploration and workshop and of course, an egg hunt! This is a drop off program, however parents are welcome to stay as long as they choose.
$40.00 siblings $30.
Spring Break Camp
Monday April 14th
Mario Kart Party
Ages 5-12
$55. sibling discount
We’ll design and build balloon powered race cars. Build a rainbow bridge and race them while trying to avoid Bowser’s marbles that attempt to knock us off track.
Tuesday April 15th Science Magic
Ages 5-12
$55. Sibling Discount
We’ll make water seem to disappear, watch paper change color, make pepper dance and explain the science behind each “trick.” Each participant will learn a hanful of science magic to take home and share.
Monday April 21st
Creative Circuitry
Ages 5-12
$55. sibling discount
Use a motor and battery to create a wiggling bouncing creature. Design a course for them to travel through. Experiment with squishy circuits and make a creature that can light up!
Wicked Stem Party May 24th
Ages 6-12, join us for a Wicked fun time as we brew a pink and green potion, make elephant toothpaste, a hot air balloon, bubble and more, all while listening to the music from the movie, Wicked.
This two hour workshop will include outdoor play time, free exploration and workshop. This is a drop off program, however parents are welcome to stay as long as they choose.