Children are natural-born scientists.
It’s our job to create the experiences to help them explore this talent.

Our Mission: To inspire our next generation of scientists to remain perpetually curious and to acquire the skills necessary to excel as leaders and effective problem solvers.


Ages 4-7

Science Through the Alphabet

Our STTA class is great for emergent and early readers and writers.

Classes meet Fridays 9:30-11:30am

Plainview Location

Try one class for $35. then commit to a 5 week session.

Daily Flow

Arrival/social toys, legos, blocks and other building tools

Introducing our letter of the day and science experience

magic letter books/science journal reflections

play doh -strengthening the writing muscles


storytime- a language rich story is carefully selected to connect with our daily theme or seasonal holiday

Calendar time, math activity to build number sense

music and movement: music from different genres is chosen

good bye song


Learn More β†’

Stem Programs

Ages 7-12

Plainview Location

Fridays 11:45-2:15

Try one class $40.

then pay for the 5 week session

Classes begin February 29th

Students who commit to the full session will have the opportunity to participate in a spring science fair

Daily Schedule:

11:45 arrival, hands on group building project

12:00 introducing stem project, science principles

12:45 lunch break

1:15 Math game/activity focusing on real world math, mental math, telling time, measurement, etc.

2:00 science experiement

2:10 clean up

2:15 dismissal