Spring Break Camp

Location: 109 Browns Rd Huntington

Ages 5-11(12 year olds may apply to be a CIT at reduced tuition cost

Pricing: $55/day


Call or text 646-283-4192 to reserve your space!

Each day includes a combination of science and stem as well as Cooperative games and group building activities

Monday April 14th

Mario Kart Fun

We’ll design and build balloon powered race cars. Build a rainbow bridge and race them while trying to avoid Bowser’s marbles that attempt to knock us off track.

Tuesday April 15th Science Magic

We’ll make water seem to disappear, watch paper change color, make pepper dance and explain the science behind each “trick.”

Monday April 21st Creative Circuitry

Use a motor and battery to create a wiggling bouncing creature. Design a course for them to travel through. Experiment with squishy circuits and make a creature that can light up!