stemTastic! classes

 Each class is developmentally appropriate and allows children to learn best based on their level of inquiry. Six- 8 week sessions for children ages 3-7 focus on sensory experiences using trial and error techniques while classes for 7 and up incorporate the scientific principals behind those experiences and observations with trial and error. Themes include dinosaurs, simple machines, crazy concoctions, the ocean’s depth, planet earth, weather, light and shadow(included circuitry), and mythical creatures. Each session end with a culminating showcase.

After-School Sessions:

Classes are typically $15./child for an hour long session,  

 6-8 week sessions can be booked from a variety of topics including Ocean Depths, Floaters and Fliers, Space Science, dinosaurs, Creative Circuity, Simple Machines, Weather and Amazing Animals.

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Our Mythical Creature Zoous

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Parents visiting Jurassic world exhibit