Stem And Steam Camp Summer Dates
Plainview and Oyster Bay Locations
Ages 5-15 Campers 5-111, 12-15 year olds can be considered CITs and come to camp at a reduced rate in exchange for assistance with materials and help with the younger campers.
16 year olds who have worked as CITs are eligible for assistantship postions starting at $15./hour
Monday-Thursday 9:30-12:30
$55/day or $200/week
Ages 12-15 year olds CITs $25/day
June 27th and June 28th Oyster Bay
July 1st- 3rd Plainview
July 8th-11th Plainview
July 15th-18th Plainview
July 22nd-25th Plainview
August 19th-22nd Oyster Bay
August 26th-29th Oyster Bay
Classes in both locations make full use of a town of Oyster Bay park in walking distance. Each day includes a stem project, games and activities, nature exploration and playground time. Bathing suits are recommended for sprinker/splash pool time on very hot days.
Call or text message 646-283-4192 to reserve your space
Daily Schedule
9:20-10:00 As campers arrive they participate in a collaborative building project, involving paper, clay, legos and up-cycled materials
10-11:00 Campers begin their independent take home project of the day(campers can choose the daily project or one from previous days they may have missed).
11:00 Snack and bathroom break, sunscreen applied
11:15-12:15 Outdoor time, this may include; rocket launches, nature exploration, playground time, scavenger hunts and cooperative games or time in our splash pool
12:15 Pack up and Clean up time or quiet indoor game